Indicator 8.5.1 - Average monthly earnings of female and male employees, by occupation, age group and persons with disabilities
Goal 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Target 8.5 - By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
Unit Number
Short Title
Weightage 7

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2022 Total QLFS, BBS, SID 14180.0000
2022 Male QLFS, BBS, SID 11093.0000
2022 Female QLFS, BBS, SID 13669.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Managers QLFS, BBS, SID 36453.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Managers->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 32004.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Managers->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 36139.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Professionals QLFS, BBS, SID 22396.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Professionals->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 18226.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Professionals->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 21187.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Technicians and Associate Professionals QLFS, BBS, SID 19677.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Technicians and Associate Professionals->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 18303.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Technicians and Associate Professionals->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 19518.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Clerical Support Workers QLFS, BBS, SID 20452.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Clerical Support Workers->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 16884.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Clerical Support Workers->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 19945.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Service and Sales Workers QLFS, BBS, SID 13024.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Service and Sales Workers->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 9319.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Service and Sales Workers->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 12745.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Craft and Related Trades Workers QLFS, BBS, SID 12730.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Craft and Related Trades Workers->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 10451.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Craft and Related Trades Workers->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 12266.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Plant and Machine Operators, and Assembler QLFS, BBS, SID 13222.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Plant and Machine Operators, and Assembler->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 9407.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Plant and Machine Operators, and Assembler->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 12953.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Elementary Occupations QLFS, BBS, SID 10306.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Elementary Occupations->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 7050.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Elementary Occupations->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 9618.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Other occupations QLFS, BBS, SID 27543.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Other occupations->Male QLFS, BBS, SID 23576.0000
2022 Type of Employment->Other occupations->Female QLFS, BBS, SID 27601.0000
2017 Total QLFS, BBS, SID 53.7800
2017 Male QLFS, BBS, SID 54.7000
2017 Female QLFS, BBS, SID 50.3000
2015-16 Total QLFS, BBS, SID 12897.0000
2015-16 Male QLFS, BBS, SID 13127.0000
2015-16 Female QLFS, BBS, SID 12072.0000
2015-16 Age group->65+ years QLFS, BBS, SID 10844.0000
2015-16 Age group->15-24 years QLFS, BBS, SID 10862.0000
2015-16 Age group->Ratification of or accession to relevant instruments: QLFS, BBS, SID 12801.0000
2015-16 Age group->Implementation of the Relevant Instruments QLFS, BBS, SID 14053.0000
2015-16 Age group->45-54 years QLFS, BBS, SID 14857.0000
2015-16 Age group->55-64 years QLFS, BBS, SID 13160.0000