Indicator 3.4.2 - Suicide mortality rate
Goal 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Target 3.4 - By 2030 reduce by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and well being
Unit Per 100,000
Short Title
Weightage 1

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2023 Total BP, MoHA 7.9800
2023 Male BP, MoHA 4.2400
2023 Female BP, MoHA 3.7300
2023 Age 0-14 years BP, MoHA 1561.0000
2023 Age 15-24 years BP, MoHA 5328.0000
2023 Age 65 years and older BP, MoHA 346.0000
2023 Age 25-39 years BP, MoHA 4566.0000
2023 Age 40-59 years BP, MoHA 2245.0000
2023 Age 60-64 years BP, MoHA 782.0000
2023 Total SVRS, BBS, SID 8.8000
2022 Total BP, MoHA 8.9900
2022 Male BP, MoHA 9.3700
2022 Female BP, MoHA 8.6400
2022 Age 0-14 years BP, MoHA 1975.0000
2022 Age 15-24 years BP, MoHA 5725.0000
2022 Age 65 years and older BP, MoHA 312.0000
2022 Age 25-39 years BP, MoHA 4200.0000
2022 Age 40-59 years BP, MoHA 2411.0000
2022 Age 60-64 years BP, MoHA 653.0000
2022 Total SVRS, BBS, SID 9.6800
2021 Total BP, MoHA 8.6800
2021 Male BP, MoHA 4.5900
2021 Female BP, MoHA 4.0900
2020 Total BP, MoHA 8.0490
2020 Male BP, MoHA 4.0850
2020 Female BP, MoHA 3.9640
2020 Age 0-14 years BP, MoHA 0.0000
2020 Age 15-24 years BP, MoHA 0.0000
2019 Total BP, MoHA 7.5600
2018 Total BP, MoHA 7.6900
2018 Male BP, MoHA 7.7000
2018 Female BP, MoHA 7.6800
2017 Total PSD, MoHA 3.4100
2017 Total BP, MoHA 3.7900
2016 Total BP, MoHA 7.8400
2015 Total PSD, MoHA 7.1000
2015 Total PSD, MoHA 7.1000
2015 Total BP, MoHA 7.6800