Indicator 8.8.1.a - Frequency rates of fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant status
Goal 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Target 8.8 - Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment
Short Title
Weightage 2.5

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2023 Total DIFE, MoLE 1.9271
2023 Male DIFE, MoLE 3.1531
2023 Female DIFE, MoLE 0.2940
2022 Total DIFE, MoLE 3.4080
2022 Male DIFE, MoLE 5.6980
2022 Female DIFE, MoLE 0.1260
2021 Total DIFE, MoLE 2.6441
2021 Male DIFE, MoLE 3.1472
2021 Female DIFE, MoLE 2.0434
2020 Total DIFE, MoLE 1.1376
2020 Male DIFE, MoLE 1.9222
2020 Female DIFE, MoLE 0.2125
2019 Total DIFE, MoLE 228.0000
2019 Male DIFE, MoLE 220.0000
2019 Female DIFE, MoLE 8.0000
2018 Total DIFE, MoLE 2.6036
2018 Male DIFE, MoLE 4.2968
2018 Female DIFE, MoLE 0.5341
2015 Total DIFE, MoLE 382.0000
2015 Male DIFE, MoLE 362.0000
2015 Female DIFE, MoLE 20.0000