Indicator 17.8.1 - Proportion of individuals using the Internet
Goal 17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Target 17.8 - Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism for least developed countries by 2017 and enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology
Unit %
Short Title
Weightage 5

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2023 Total Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 44.5000
2023 Male Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 51.7000
2023 Female Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 37.3000
2023 Urban Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 68.6000
2023 Rural Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 36.4000
2023 Age 15 and over SVRS, BBS, SID 50.1000
2023 Age 5 and over SVRS, BBS, SID 45.7000
2022 Total HIES, BBS, SID 36.7000
2022 Geographic location->Rural HIES, BBS, SID 29.9000
2022 Geographic location->Urban HIES, BBS, SID 51.5000
2022 Age 15 and over->Male HIES, BBS, SID 43.1000
2022 Age 15 and over->Female HIES, BBS, SID 30.3000
2022 Total Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 38.9000
2022 Male Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 45.3000
2022 Female Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 32.7000
2022 Urban Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 66.8000
2022 Rural Access and use of ICT by Household and Individual Survey, BBS, SID 29.7000
2022 Age 5 and over PHC, BBS, SID 30.6800
2022 Age 5 and over->Male PHC, BBS, SID 38.0200
2022 Age 5 and over->Female PHC, BBS, SID 23.5200
2022 Age 15 and over SVRS, BBS, SID 45.5000
2022 Age 5 and over SVRS, BBS, SID 41.0000
2021 Age 15 and over SVRS, BBS, SID 43.6600
2021 Age 15 and over->Male SVRS, BBS, SID 51.1000
2021 Age 15 and over->Female SVRS, BBS, SID 36.5100
2021 Age 5 and over SVRS, BBS, SID 39.1600
2021 Age 5 and over->Male SVRS, BBS, SID 45.1000
2021 Age 5 and over->Female SVRS, BBS, SID 33.3600
2020 Age 15 and over SVRS, BBS, SID 43.5000
2020 Age 15 and over->Male SVRS, BBS, SID 52.7000
2020 Age 15 and over->Female SVRS, BBS, SID 34.3000
2019 Total BTRC, PTD 60.4000
2019 Total SVRS, BBS, SID 39.1600
2016 Total BTRC, PTD 41.5000
2015 Total BTRC, PTD 30.3900