Indicator 16.2.2 - Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population, by sex, age group and form of exploitation
Goal 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Target 16.2 - End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
Unit Per 100,000
Short Title
Weightage 0

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2023 Total BP, MoHA 0.6400
2023 Male BP, MoHA 0.4500
2023 Female BP, MoHA 0.1900
2022 Total BP, MoHA 0.7200
2022 Male BP, MoHA 0.9000
2022 Female BP, MoHA 0.5400
2021 Total BP, MoHA 0.4100
2021 Male BP, MoHA 0.3800
2021 Female BP, MoHA 0.4400
2020 Total BP, MoHA 0.4610
2020 Male BP, MoHA 0.2290
2020 Female BP, MoHA 0.2320
2019 Total BP, MoHA 1.2100
2019 Male BP, MoHA 0.5800
2019 Female BP, MoHA 0.6300
2018 Total BP, MoHA 0.6000
2018 Male BP, MoHA 0.2700
2018 Female BP, MoHA 0.3300
2017 Total BP, MoHA 1.1900
2017 Male BP, MoHA 0.7400
2017 Female BP, MoHA 0.4500
2016 Total BP, MoHA 1.0600
2016 Male BP, MoHA 0.6400
2016 Female BP, MoHA 0.4200
2015 Total BP, MoHA 1.7800
2015 Male BP, MoHA 1.1400
2015 Female BP, MoHA 0.6400
2014 Total BDHS 32.6000
1991 Total BDHS 66.0000