Indicator 16.10.1 - Number of verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists, associated media personnel, trade unionists and human rights advocates in the previous 12 months
Goal 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Target 16.10 - Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
Unit Number
Short Title
Weightage 5

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2023 Total NHRC 3.0000
2022 Total NHRC 2.0000
2022 Disabled persons NHRC 0.0000
2022 Income group NHRC 0.0000
2022 Age NHRC 0.0000
2022 Geographic location NHRC 0.0000
2022 Ethnicity NHRC 0.0000
2022 Migrants Status NHRC 0.0000
2022 Inequality->Gender NHRC 0.0000
2022 Religion NHRC 0.0000
2022 Profession/area of work NHRC 2.0000
2022 Minority or indigenous status NHRC 0.0000
2022 Sexual orientation NHRC 0.0000
2022 Relevant characteristic of the perpetrator NHRC 0.0000
2022 Type of Violation ->Killing NHRC 0.0000
2022 Type of Violation ->Enforced disappearance NHRC 0.0000
2022 Type of Violation ->Torture NHRC 0.0000
2022 Type of Violation ->Arbitrary detention NHRC 0.0000
2022 Type of Violation ->Kidnapping NHRC 0.0000
2021 Total NHRC 1.0000
2021 Disabled persons NHRC 0.0000
2021 Income group NHRC 0.0000
2021 Age NHRC 0.0000
2021 Geographic location NHRC 0.0000
2021 Ethnicity NHRC 0.0000
2021 Migrants Status NHRC 0.0000
2021 Inequality->Gender NHRC 0.0000
2021 Religion NHRC 0.0000
2021 Profession/area of work NHRC 1.0000
2021 Minority or indigenous status NHRC 0.0000
2021 Sexual orientation NHRC 0.0000
2021 Relevant characteristic of the perpetrator NHRC 0.0000
2021 Type of Violation ->Killing NHRC 0.0000
2021 Type of Violation ->Enforced disappearance NHRC 0.0000
2021 Type of Violation ->Torture NHRC 1.0000
2021 Type of Violation ->Arbitrary detention NHRC 0.0000
2021 Type of Violation ->Kidnapping NHRC 0.0000
2020 Total NHRC 0.0000
2020 Disabled persons NHRC 0.0000
2020 Income group NHRC 0.0000
2020 Age NHRC 0.0000
2020 Geographic location NHRC 0.0000
2020 Ethnicity NHRC 0.0000
2020 Migrants Status NHRC 0.0000
2020 Inequality->Gender NHRC 0.0000
2020 Religion NHRC 0.0000
2020 Profession/area of work NHRC 0.0000
2020 Minority or indigenous status NHRC 0.0000
2020 Sexual orientation NHRC 0.0000
2020 Relevant characteristic of the perpetrator NHRC 0.0000
2020 Type of Violation ->Killing NHRC 0.0000
2020 Type of Violation ->Enforced disappearance NHRC 0.0000
2020 Type of Violation ->Torture NHRC 0.0000
2020 Type of Violation ->Arbitrary detention NHRC 0.0000
2020 Type of Violation ->Kidnapping NHRC 0.0000
2019 Total NHRC 1.0000