Indicator 16.6.1 - Primary government expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget, by sector (or by budget codes or similar)
Goal 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Target 16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Unit %
Short Title
Weightage 5

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2021-22 Sector->Education & Technology FD 81.2000
2021-22 Sector->Health FD 73.5000
2021-22 Sector->SP FD 85.1000
2021-22 Sector->Agriculture FD 99.1500
2021-22 Sector->LGD & D FD 84.5000
2021-22 Sector->Housing FD 100.0000
2020-21 Sector->Education & Technology FD 85.1800
2020-21 Sector->Health FD 72.4300
2020-21 Sector->SP FD 85.2000
2020-21 Sector->Agriculture FD 99.1500
2020-21 Sector->LGD & D FD 89.6000
2020-21 Sector->Housing FD 92.0000
2019-20 Sector->Education & Technology FD 85.1800
2019-20 Sector->Health FD 72.4900
2019-20 Sector->SP FD 79.3700
2019-20 Sector->Agriculture FD 83.6000
2019-20 Sector->LGD & D FD 88.1800
2019-20 Sector->Housing FD 91.2100
2017-18 Total FD 80.4000
2015-16 Sector->Education & Technology FD 92.0000
2015-16 Sector->Health FD 93.0000
2015-16 Sector->SP FD 73.0000
2015-16 Sector->Agriculture FD 84.0000
2015-16 Sector->LGD & D FD 100.0000
2015-16 Sector->Housing FD 95.0000