15.a.1 - (a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments

Indicator 15.a.1.a - Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
Goal 15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Target 15.a - Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems
Unit M$
Short Title
Weightage 0

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2015 Total BANBEIS, MoE 0.6500
1991 Total BANBEIS, MoE 0.3700

Indicator 15.a.1.b - Revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments
Goal 15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Target 15.a - Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems
Unit M$
Short Title
Weightage 0

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2021-22 Total FD 86.8600
2020-21 Total FD 81.8300
2019-20 Total FD 74.8000
2018-19 Total FD 62.6000
2017-18 Total FD 44.5200
2016-17 Total FD 31.6500
2015-16 Total FD 14.7000
2015 Total BANBEIS, MoE 1.1400
1991 Total BANBEIS, MoE 0.5200