Indicator 1.a.2 - Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social protection)
Goal 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Target 1.a - Create sound policy frameworks, at national, regional and international levels, based on pro-poor and gender-sensitive development strategies to support accelerated investments in poverty eradication actions
Unit %
Short Title
Weightage 11

Year Disaggregation Source Target Value Status Value/Description
2021-22 Education FD 13.0000
2021-22 Health FD 5.4000
2021-22 Social Spending FD 17.8000
2020-21 Education FD 15.1000
2020-21 Health FD 5.2000
2020-21 Social Spending FD 16.8000
2019-20 Education FD 15.7000
2019-20 Health FD 4.1700
2019-20 Social Spending FD 16.3200
2018-19 Education FD 11.8000
2018-19 Health FD 5.1000
2018-19 Social Spending FD 14.5000
2017-18 Education FD 14.3900
2017-18 Health FD 5.1400
2017-18 Social Spending FD 13.2800
2016-17 Education FD 11.9500
2016-17 Health FD 4.8000
2016-17 Social Spending FD 13.6000
2015-16 Education FD 13.7100
2015-16 Health FD 5.1000
2015-16 Social Spending FD 14.9900